Einstein Fellows

The Einstein Fellows have been selected for being at the forefront of research in their respective fields and are encouraged to collaborate with each other and the Berlin based Einstein Group to foster interdisciplinary research. The Fellows meet twice a year to plan and advance collaborations and present and discuss work in progress. The Einstein Group supports them by providing the infrastructure and funding for those meetings.

List of Current Fellows

In alphabetical order:

  • Anna Borghi
  • Orphelia Deroy
  • Katrin Heimann
  • Katharina Anna Helming
  • Helmut Leder
  • Bence Nanay
  • Simone Schnall
  • Maureen Sie
  • Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
  • Martin Troendle 
  • Eva Weber-Guskar
  • Hong Yu Wong

Anna Borghi

Anna Borghi is Associate Professor in Psychology at the University of Bologna. Since 2001, she is also Associate Researcher at ISTC. Her research interests concern the interaction between objects, language, and action. Starting from an embodied and grounded cognition perspective, her work focuses on categorization, on affordances, on how language is grounded in perception, action, and emotional systems, on language as a tool which modifies humans' way to interact with the world and humans' sense of body. She works using experimental methods (behavioural, kinematics) and occasionally brain imaging techniques (TMS, fMRI); she's also interested in computational models and computer simulations. Link to homepageLink to homepage

ophelia Deroy

Ophelia Deroy is Associate Director of the Institute of Philosophy  at the School of advances Study (University of London). In addition, she is Ophelia is Senior Researcher for the Centre for the Study of the Senses. CenSes is an interdisciplinary research centre, bringing together philosophers of mind and perception, experimental psychologists and neuroscientists. Ophelia Deroy is also Co-investigator on the 'Rethinking the Senses' project. Her work is in philosophy of mind and cognitive neuroscience. It focuses on the varieties of ways in which our senses interact and shape our conscious experience. Link to homepage


Katrin Heimann has been trained both in Philosophy (M.A.) and Neuroscience (PhD) and is currently a PostDoc at the Interacting Minds Centre in Aarhus. She is generally interested in cognition arising from subject-subject and subject-artifact interaction with a special focus on the cultural artifact of film. In particular, she is using quantitative as well as qualitative studies to investigate how movies in their making are shaped by our perceptual and cognitive abilities as well as vice versa, that is, how movies shape our minds. Link to homepage

Helmut Leder

Helmut Leder is Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Head of the Department of Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods at the University of Vienna, since 2004.He is Head of the Research Focus "Perceptual Aesthetics", and Deputy Head of the Cognitive Sciences Research Platform. His main fields of research are aesthetics, Psychology of the Arts, design – and face perception. Link to homepage

Bence Nanay

Bence Nanay is Professor of Philosophy and BOF Research Professor (ZAPTTBOF) at the Department of Philosophy and the Centre for Philosophical Psychology at the University of Antwerp, and Co-director of the latter. He also is Senior Research Associate at Peterhouse at the University of Cambridge. His areas of specialization are Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Biology and Aesthetics. Link to homepage

Simone Schnall

Simone Schnall is the Director of the Cambridge Embodied Cognition and Emotion Laboratory and Fellow of Jesus College. She investigates how thoughts and feelings interact when people make judgments and decisions. In particular, Schnall's research examines the role of bodily influences in the context of, first, moral judgments and behaviors, and second, perceptions of the spatial environment. Link to homepage

Maureen Sie

Maureen Sie is Associate Professor of Metaethics and Moral Psychology at the department of Philosophy, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Since January 2012 she is also appointed at the Institute for Philosophy, Leiden University, to the special chair in Philosophical Anthropology and the Founding Principles of Humanism, on behalf of the Socrates Foundation. 

Her research interests are Philosophy of Action, Moral Responsibility/Free Will, Moral Psychology, Unreflective Agency (Adaptive Unconscious) and Metaethics. Link to homepageLink to homepageLink to homepage

Ana Tajadura-JimÉnez

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez is Research Associate at the UCL Interaction Centre, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Faculty of Brain Sciences. Her main research interests are self-perception, embodiment, human multisensory perception and emotion in everyday contexts and new media technologies. She is ESRC Future Research Leader, carrying on research on the project “The Hearing Body: How auditory perception influences body representation”. Link to homepage

Martin Troendle

Martin Troendle holds the WÜRTH Chair of Cultural Production at the Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen.  He is leading the research project eMotion at the Institute for Research in Art and Design at the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland, Academy of Art and Design. Martin Troendle works on art, Sociology of Art and Art Management. Link to homepageLink to homepage

Eva Weber-Guskar

Eva Weber-Guskar is Private Lecturer  for Philosophy and Ethics at the University of Göttingen, Guestprofessor in Vienna (Winterterm 2015/16) and at the Humboldt-University in Berlin (Summerterm 2016). Her main research interests are Ethics (applied, normative and Metaethics), Philosophy of Emotions, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind and Phenomenology. Link to homepage

Hong Yu Wong

Hong Yu Wong is currently Group Leader of the Junior Research Group in Philosophy of Neuroscience at the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, an excellence cluster at the University of Tübingen. He is also a faculty member of the Philosophisches Seminar and the Max Planck Neural and Behavioural Graduate School at the University of Tübingen.

His primary research interests concern the relations between perception and action, and the role of the body in structuring these relations. Link to homepageLink to homepage