Organized by Javier Gomez-Lavin (CUNY Graduate Center - HU BSMB) & Matthew Rachar (CUNY Graduate Center)
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1
10117 Berlin
Room 220 (Nordfluegel)
Human beings have a remarkable ability to act in the world together in a coordinated and cooperative fashion, seemingly in order to achieve collective goals. Some of the questions this phenomenon raises are: What are collective goals? Does acting together inherently involve normative relations such as obligations, rights, entitlements and duties between the participants? Does it require an appeal to special intentions that are had by the participants and that link them together rationally? And, does it presuppose a distinct form of subjectivity? This workshop brings together scholars working on the subjective and normative elements in acting in concert with others.
Abstracts available here
11:00-11:50 Javier Gomez-Lavin The Graduate Center – CUNY; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain & Matthew Rachar The Graduate Center – CUNY : Normativity in joint action
11:50-12:10 Coffee Break
12:10-13:00 Hans Bernard Schmid Universität Wien : Plural subjects
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:20 Thomas Smith University of Manchester : Is it collective all the way down?
15:20-16:10 Katharina Bernhard Universität Wien : Can group agents know?
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 Julius Schönherr University of Maryland : Lucky joint action
If interested in attending, please contact to reserve a spot.