Einstein Workshop

Oct 24, 2015


Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1

10117 Berlin


This workshop was the fellows' second meeting. It was set right after the conference on "Impure Perception", giving the fellows the opportunity to attend the conference and the framework to present their work publicly as well as giving the conference speakers the opportunity to attend the workshop. The fellows presented their follow-up work based on their projects for the first Einstein Workshop, including Maureen Sie and Anna Katharina Helming's newly started collaborative project on moral cognition.


Saturday, October 24, 2015


14.00 - 16.20 Talks (public)

  1. Hong Yu Wong (Tübingen): Owning my body                                                                               Abstract

      2. Dustin Stokes (Salt Lake City): Rich perceptual content and aesthetic                                             properties  



16.40  - 19.00 discussion of work in progress (not open to the public)


     3.  Katrin Heimann (Aarhus) & Joerg Fingerhut (Berlin)

     4.  Maureen Sie  (Rotterdam) & Katharina A. Helming (Trier)